Daniel Humphrey
Daniel C. Humphrey (Ed.D., History and Education, Teachers College, Columbia University)
is an Education Policy Consultant and the former Director of the Center for Education Policy at SRI International. Dr. Humphrey is a nationally known expert on teacher development, school reform, and urban education. He has more than 20 years of experience in research on complex educational interventions and has managed numerous large-scale multiyear evaluations, many of which focus on state and federal education policy, efforts to improve schooling for low-income and special needs children, and principal and teacher development. Dr. Humphrey has been actively involved in studying education policy in California since the early 1990s. Dr. Humphrey has led numerous studies related to educator development and school improvement. He served as the principal investigator of the evaluation of the Massachusetts Human Capital Management Initiatives, a large multi-year examination of the commonwealth’s new statewide educator evaluation system, its Teacher Incentive Fund Grant, and its Human Resources Pilot Project. He was also the co-principal investigator of the National Evaluation of the Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) for the U.S. Department of Education. His recent research on California education policy includes a study of Peer Assistance and Review, a study of beginning teacher policies in California, including teacher induction, evaluation, tenure, and credentialing. Dr. Humphrey is a founding member of the Local Control Funding Formula Research Collaborative and has been involved in multiple studies of California’s new school finance system since its introduction in 2013. He is the author of numerous articles on teacher development and teacher policy, and is a former teacher and school principal.