Here are the take-aways from the studies on special education, funding needs, a teacher shortage, a data deficit, student mental health local control's unmet potential – and more.
| EdSource
| EdSource
Researchers on Monday released a massive collection of education studies timed to inform the next California governor’s and Legislature’s preK-12 agenda.
| EdSource
More than 100 researchers from institutions across the nation came together over the past two years to conduct a new round of studies and compile an updated comprehensive report entitled Getting Down to Facts II. Comprising 36 studies and 19 research briefs, the latest research initiative provides an up-to-date analysis that we hope will help lawmakers refine and improve policy for California’s PreK-12 education system.
| K-12 Daily
A cumbersome and unorganized data management system continues to crimp the ability of policymakers to answer even basic questions about the performance of California’s 10,000 schools, according to a report released today by a team of scholars affiliated with Stanford University.
| Market Insider
Leading education policy researchers on Monday released Getting Down to Facts II(GDTF II), a major PreK-12 education report that reveals California is generally on the right track due to recent reforms but that major system-wide funding challenges and significant gaps in student achievement remain.
| GDTF II Newsletter
Join us as leading researchers reveal findings contained in a report comprising 36 studies and 18 research briefs on the effects of reforms adopted over the past decade in California’s PreK-12 education system.
| GDTF II Newsletter
As the California embarks on the next chapter of its public education system, Getting Down to Facts II delivers the facts. This in-depth research report on PreK-12 public education will be released on September 17 to serves as a “state of the state,” with the goal of providing a common set of facts to inform discussions and education policy development going forward.
| GDTF II Newsletter
More than 6.2 million California children are educated annually in the largest public education system in the nation within the fifth largest economy in the world. A report coming this fall will provide the facts on the status of California’s PreK-12 public education system.
| EdSource
A compendium of three dozen new studies on California education, involving dozens of researchers, will be released in June, in time to help shape the debate in state elections in November and the next governor’s approach to education.