Cory Koedel
Cory Koedel is an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri. His primary area of research involves the measurement and evaluation of outcome-based teacher quality. Dr. Koedel has published several articles on issues related to value-added modeling, and his 2008 study in the Journal of Urban Economics develops a method for measuring teacher effectiveness using non-test-score outcomes. His work on teacher quality has been widely cited in top academic journals in the fields of economics, education and public policy. Dr. Koedel has also written on several other topics in K-12 education including school choice, comprehensive school reform (the San Diego Blueprint for Student Success), and curriculum evaluation.
Dr. Koedel has recently released two studies that evaluate the interaction between educator pension systems and educator labor markets. The first study examines the effect of pension-system boundaries on the mobility of school leaders. The study shows that pension boundaries cause rigidities in the leadership labor market, and considers the implications for leadership quality in schools. The second study examines how the compositional effects of teacher pension systems influence the quality of the teaching workforce. This latter study combines Koedel’s work on teacher pension systems with his work on measuring teacher effectiveness.