Iliana Brodziak de los Reyes
Iliana Brodziak de los Reyes, Senior Research Analyst at the American Institutes for Research, focuses on statistical analysis of achievement data, resource allocation data and survey data. Dr. Brodziak is currently working on a randomized control trial project funded by IES to evaluate the efficacy of online credit recovery on student learning and high school graduation. She is responsible of the data collection and overseeing the cost analysis. Dr. Brodziak is one of the lead researchers for the study of The Cost of an Adequate Education, A Professional Judgment Cost Analysis for California. For the study of Funding Provided to Public Schools and Public Charter Schools in Maryland and for the Cost Analysis of Network to Transform Teaching (NT3) she was the task leader of the data collection for the charter organizations and lead the cost analysis team. Dr. Brodziak was responsible of analyzing the classroom observation data for the Evaluation of California’s Transitional Kindergarten Program, funded by the Heising-Simons and David and Lucille Packard Foundations. For this project, Dr. Brodziak estimated the impact of Transitional Kindergarten on English Language skills for English learners. She has been leading the cost study of the Descubriendo La Lectura a reading intervention targeted to English learners. She was the main analyst of a research project that investigated the role of initial English proficiency, special education participation and age at school entry in time to proficiency for English learner students in Texas for the REL Southwest. She was the main analyst of a case study in two California districts to examine whether they would be able to meet federal Title I comparability requirements if they used a per-pupil expenditure metric that was proposed in debates about the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.